Arugula, Italian Parsley, Tomato's, Cilantro, Bell Peppers, Mesclun and Chickens... are all burgeoning.
So, here is a more serious post... furrowed brow in place...
I am amazed at how, once the soil is prepared, add water and POOF! The garden grows. What a wonderful bounty and what better than to have grow it ourselves. I have noted before and heard,when people eat food locally grow, the health benefits are more significant. I postulate, that as you walk about and breath, touch and live in your local area you bring on local attributes which your system recognizes and is accustomed to - good, bad or indifferent. Ceterus Paribus (everything else equal)... I imagine eating locally grown food would benefit the omnivore in numerous ways. This translates to eggs as well of course since chickens scavenge in the yard are eating bugs and weeds from the local area and therefore are leaving those trace element in the egg.
Therefore, I went on a quest to see if someone had done "the study"... so, while I have not found "the conclusive study" here are some data points which one could theorize that locally grown food are better. Why? They are not adulterated! Period. Eggs are the same theory...
Excerpted from various other sources.... which I am going to put in quotes since it is not in my own pen...
"Produce is at its peak nutritional value when it is ripe. But fruits and vegetables that will be traveling long distances to market aren't picked when they are ripe, but before ripeness. While the produce might gain color and softness on its journey to the supermarket, nutritional value comes through the stem from the living plant. Once harvested, a vegetable is as nutritious as its going to get. And in a double whammy, nutritional value actually decreases every day past harvest. Nor is nutritional value on the top of the agenda for large commercial vegetable farmers. In the days when all produce was local, horticulturists developing new strains of fruits and vegetables only had to consider several criteria: taste and nutritional value. But today, with much of the growing and harvesting handled by machines and with produce shipped around the world, several other criteria take priority, and taste and nutrition take a back seat. Sturdiness and shippability are one factor, and uniformity of size is another. Another key factor big producers take into account is grocery case eye appeal.
While these new criteria are important to the grower's profits, they add nothing to the health of the consumer. If anything, they detract from it. Sturdy produce that stands up to lengthy shipping will be shipped long distances, taking days on its journey to your table, and losing nutritional value with every day that passes between harvest and eating.
So for your health's sake, take a step back in time when you're shopping for produce. Find your local vegetable stand, preferably one on the road right in front of the farm where the fruits and vegetables are grown, selling what was picked that day. Eat produce that was intended to be grown in the area where you live, and buy it at its peak of ripeness, rather than produce that was picked unripe and shipped thousands of miles.
If you live in the city, finding the farm stand might take some doing, and getting there will require some driving. But what better excursion that a relaxing drive in the country to buy freshly picked vegetables? So urban that you don't even own a car? Then look for your local health food store; most of them will have a fresh produce section, and their staff will be glad to tell you where the produce comes from and what days it's delivered.
You might even want to add some healthy outdoor exercise into the mix and grow your own! But if you lack the yard space, time, or inclination, by all means, support your community fruit and vegetable growers by buying your produce ripe, locally grown, and freshly harvested."
These are great reason, pretty qualitative in nature but reasonable. I still want to know if food pulled out of the soil next my bedroom is better for me than a potato pulled out of the ground in Idaho?
A serious post lol! I will have to read the next one for my laugh of the day! Great post, I love shopping farmstands, and you get so spoiled after having fresh food. You reminded me I am due to post again about buying local too. Rain again every day this week so my garden is a no go this year! Looks like we will be shopping the farmers market for canning this year.