I am also seeing anger!!! Oh isn't this unusual... when there is no food in the feeder, they knock it over! What the heck, we are having food riots in the coop. I can see it now, I am going to walk tomorrow morning and there will be little sandwich boards wrapped around their neck, with chicken scratch on them saying - "Next time we won't knock the feeder over!" WOW.. spooky takes me back to that awful movie The Birds... Oh man, I never loo
ked at a crow the same again and when I did see one, I was sure the posse' was flying in to make my eyes the menu. Jaws was like this... I could not get a stoooopid swimming pool without wetting myself. Therefore, I really never got in, cause it was a cycle of clean, wet, change, clean, wet, change...
Anyway, here is HOOT.... I will report on something more salient later...
What kind of chicken is Hoot? She looks like one of mine that is a Rhode Island Red/barred rock cross. Very pretty!
ReplyDeletePurportedly Hoot is an Arcauna. I am not sold on this. I am leaning towards a cross between an Owl and an Eagle.