Friday, June 26, 2009

Foster Farms

Good grief - What a quandry.... off to the right are Google Adsense ads. Most of these are topical and relevant to the blog and, based on keywords, pick off advertisers using their "keywords". So, I am fumbling around on the site and notice "Foster Farms". OK.. so a click on this tosses $.50 or so into the Le Coop booty... which I like, but man I hate the fact I cannot control it. I cannot block Foster Farms from appearing. While chicken is good eat'in and there is nothing wrong with a little chicken picatta with that wonderful lemon & wine with capers sauce dancing all over the pollo!!! slrrrrrrrrp..... I know, in good conscious these chickens are treated like food! Nevermind, bad analogy.... I know they are handled so poorly that it makes me want to only buy range fed birds and not accept monies from Foster Farm clickies. Although I am taking money from them versus paying them for their product which is good. Oh the confusion!!!

In the end, chicken is a great source of food, eggs and meat. How they are killed for meat is a question - but humane-killing seems like an oxy-moron. I just want to know the meat is great quality, that while the birds were strutting around they did so like Bo Derek and Dudley Moore greeted each other in "10". These makes me feel better.

Interesting fact - Jobs in the poutlry industry are the most awful descriptions anywhere. "Kill Technician"? I fainted reading it, hit my head woke up clucking...

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